Creative Arts | Career Goals Questionnaire

1. What matters most to you as an artist? Make a list, in order, of your top 3.
A few examples might be… Making people think or see things differently? Being part of a community? Participating in the contemporary dialog? Being reviewed and revered? Making money? (And if making money is important, how much?)

2. What do you consider “success” for YOU as an artist?

Describe your vision of what your successful career looks like.

3. What are your personal values? Are they in line with this vision?

If not, how can you reconcile them?

4. Whose (if any) opinions do you value?

Other Artists, Critics, Your family, Friends?

Are you willing and able to pursue this vision of your career even if they judge or disapprove?

5. What specific career developments or milestones would you like to accomplish over the next year?

6. What is currently interfering with your career development?

Are you ready and able to overcome these obstacles?

7. What 3 things can you start doing, or do better, to support your career goals?

8. What do you want your life and career to look like 2 years from now?

9. What do you want your life and career to look like 5 years from now?

10. What do you want your life and career to look like 10 years from now?