Looking at Art is good for your well-being
Several studies (1) have shown that viewing Art can have increased rates of good health, satisfaction with one’s life, and lower rates of anxiety and depression in both men and women.
Learning about Art improves thinking and empathy
A study was done by the University of Arkansas (2) that after learning about Art, participants retained at least 70% of the knowledge learned and displayed improved critical thinking skills, as well as gains intolerance and historical empathy.
Buy Art that moves you
It can be an expression of your personality and beliefs. Art can actually cause you to experience the same physical reactions we get when we fall in love (3).
Explore your local galleries and museums
Develop an eye for what interests you. Gallery staff love to answer your questions and are helpful guides.
Get on gallery mailing lists
Join artist and gallery mailing lists. Follow gallery and artists on Social Media. You’ll be invited to openings, artist receptions, insights into the artists they represent, and special events.
Visit Art Museums and Arts Organizations
Curators, docents, and artists sometimes give lectures on a variety of topics. Feel free to ask questions about art or purchasing art. They are experts in their field and have done a lot of research and have very insightful opinions. Most are enthusiastic to share their thoughts or offer suggestions for more research material. Especially at these institutions, it is their mission and their job to educate and inform the public.
Attend major art fairs and art expos
You will see a wide variety of galleries and artists, all in one place. You will be able to talk to other art lovers and collectors and get a sense of what you like and don’t enjoy.
Talk to other Art Collectors and Friends
Talk to them about their collections, and how they purchased the art, and why.
Explore Artists and periods of Art History on social media
Follow artists on social media, like, comment, and share your stories on art that you like. Don’t be afraid to Direct Message them with any questions you may have about their process or how to obtain their artwork. Take note of what interests you and ask yourself why or see if there is a theme to your taste in art, that speaks to you. Follow hashtags of the artist and art history movements you are interested in.
Read a few Art Magazines and Blogs.
There are specialty publications, blogs, and social media accounts for contemporary art, traditional art, photography, artisanal craft, and much more.
Read reviews by Local and National Art Critics
Keeping in mind that reviews reflect the subjective opinion of only one person.
Work with a Professional Art Consultant
They can guide you through the process of discovering and purchasing art, for a fee or commission.
Contact Artist Robert Schmolze
Feel free to contact me and I can suggest some of my Art based on your work or living needs. I offer a free art consultation and a free mock-up service so you can visualize my art in your space. I can also suggest other Artists or Galleries that may align with your taste.
I hope those tips are helpful for you. If you have questions about collecting art, or about my art, feel free to contact me today.
(1) Nord-Trondelag Health Study
(2) University of Arkansas The Educational Value of Field Trips
(3) Art and the Brain by Semir Zeki, Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology, University College London