Sunday Reading for April 18th

Happy National Poetry Month! and Stress Awareness Month! 

Try reading some poetry today. Speak it aloud, it completely changes the way you think about the poem. Try writing some poetry. I found a great poetry generator if you find you can’t bring yourself to write one. Check it out here >

Here is a Poem I wrote about a furniture manufacture. Check it out here>

Here are some non-poetry articles I found that I enjoyed this week ranging from Architecture to fashion to the environment and art shows.

I am trying something new and collecting them on a Pinterest board. It’s ok if you don’t have Pinterest. You can still click through to the articles. I hope you enjoy it. Please send me suggestions of topics you like reading about or would find interesting.

This week I was wondering if NFT art is a fad or here to stay if all classes and boardroom meetings will become done on Tik Tok (the presidential debates last year were live-streamed on it by Yahoo Business) and if digital life is just as real as real life now ( one study found that 80% of elementary school kids want to grow up to be “Influencers”). What’s on your mind. Email me.

pinterest Robert's sunday reading list