Creative Morinings Top 15 Newsletter Links in 2019

(GIFs by Thoka Maer)

The internet can be an overwhelming place. Colorful GIFs, clickbait, cheeky memes, and ads are continually stealing our attention everywhere we go. It’s no surprise then that more and more readers are turning to newsletters and thoughtful curators for content. What better way to find links worth our time than through humans and organizations we trust?

Over the past year, the CreativeMornings Weekly Highlights newsletter has shared over 600+ impeccably curated links from across the web in our ‘Fun Stuff to Click On’ section. Every single week, we share articles, toolkits, videos, jobs, and more that we love or find useful.

Here are our top 15 most-read, most-saved links in 2019:

1) Freelancers: put this in your invoice.

2) The best books of 2019 (so far).

3) 9 t-shirt design trends this year.

4) Why you need to cultivate more casual friendships.

5) When you know it’s time to quit something.

6) How to figure out your next step when you feel stuck.

7) A trick for making decisions.

8) How to spring clean all areas of your life.

9) Toolkit: How to make a proper introduction for a collaboration.

10) How to graciously decline an invitation.

11) One thing you can do to have more meaningful conversations.

12) On getting the word out about your work.

13) 5 data-backed social media trends to know for 2019.

14) Why we wait 10 days for tasks that take 10 minutes.

15) 40 interview questions used by sharp people.

We could undoubtedly go on and on about how much we love our readers, but we thought it’d be better for their kind words to warm your heart instead:

There is SO much great content here! Love so many of the resources at the bottom […] Thank you! — Riley

This is the best newsletter of my week. I look forward to it. I click on 80% of the content, I love it. Thank you. — Amy

Thanks so much for the Weekly Highlights newsletter. It is quite literally, one of the highlights of my week and I never miss reading it. My favorite section is the ‘Fun Stuff to Click On’ section. There is almost always at least one link that leads me down a really interesting rabbit hole. They’re so valuable. I’ve learned so much from that section. — Kristen.

What’s the secret to a fulfilling creative life? The answer to this question is always changing and is different for everyone. However, it’s clear that in 2019 we collectively meditated on how to make the most of our in-person connections, be thoughtful in our work, and to always be learning.

Onward to 2020 and many more fun, insightful moments of growth!

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